Our Vision is to provide high quality and cost effective sustainable energy solutions across India
By Virtue of our commitment to our stakeholders, we will keep making effort to improve and remove carbon foot prints on earth environment.
Solar Power is for ever and is a renewable energy which we create with the help of Solar Modules that are exposed to sunlight. These modules made of silicon mainly convert the sunlight into electricity power and with the help of a few equipment attached to these modules, the electrical power generated in brought for you to use at home/office or commercial establishments.
These modules are installed either on rooftop or on the ground and with modern technology, these days they can be installed even on water surfaces where they float.
We call the entire set up as SOLAR PLANT.
These plants can be connected in two ways for the benefit of end user-
In this the plant is connected to a set of batteries which receive the electric power generated by the plant during sunshine hours and gets store it for use whenever needed. In simple language it is exactly like a torch or phone battery which supplies electric power to run gadgets connected with it. Hence whenever there is a power cut or if your grid power is not available or cut off, the battery which is charged by the solar plant will supply the power. It is that simple in its functioning.
This method does not have batteries. So where the Electric power generated will go? Through an equipment called invertor, the generated power is supplied to the grid or your DISCOM company and they store it with them and automatically purchase this power from you or your facility. You normally get your power through the DISCOM company and at the month end when they raise your bill for payment, they will deduct cost of the power units purchased from your solar plant and send you the balance amount of bill as per your total usage in the month.
The Modules installed have a set amount of power which it generates. Hence, depending on the power needed by the end user, the engineer will decide how many modules will be needed.
It’s long been known that renewable energy is the way of the future. As the supply of fossil fuels dwindles and we have stringent scrutiny for pollution, climate change, and health issues, the cost continues to rise. Many local utilities have already begun to use alternative, renewable energy sources including wind, water, and solar power, but you don’t have to wait for your utility company to get on board: solar power is ready and available to home owners and commercial establishments today — and there’s practically no end to the list of benefits.
Solar power makes it possible for end users to use the sun to power everyday life: running your air conditioner, washing clothing, watching TV, cooking dinner, running office equipment and even industrial factories. All while reducing the carbon footprint, and without burning fossil fuels or putting a strain on the electrical grid. And while the environmental benefits of solar power are significant, many end users find that the convenience, unique features, and cost savings of owning a solar power system are even more enticing.
In addition to major environmental and energy cost benefits, solar energy offers several unique features that make it an extremely attractive option for many home owners, especially those concerned with energy security and independence. Unique benefits of solar power include:
Solar energy panels require very little maintenance. After solar panels are installed, there is only basic yearly maintenance and cleaning to keep them in good working order. Solar cells have no moving parts, and they stand up well against damage.
We know that every day the sun will rise and set — and we even know when it will happen. We can even predict weather and seasonal sunlight projections, so it’s easy to forecast when power will be plentiful.
For homes on the electricity grid, electricity costs are tied to energy prices, which may fluctuate due to market, supply, and even political influences.
The sun shines whether we’re at war or in peace. This offers energy independence. While oil reserves may run out, the sun never will.
Unlike noisy generators and power plants, solar panels make no noise as they create energy from the sun.
Solar panels do not require much space, and they can be mounted almost anywhere from Roof top to ground or even water bodies.
About Company
Greenleap Inspirations ConsultinG Services LLP ventured into solar power systems in 2016. It is engaged in consultancy, systems integration and undertakes the design, construction, operation and maintenance of grid connected and off grid solar systems including solar pumping system (AC/DC solutions both) on a turnkey basis.
We are also in the distribution of solar energy products including solar cables & connectors, solar charge controllers, inverters, junction boxes, mechanical structures and data logging devices. It provides turnkey solutions for rooftop and ground mounted solar systems.